FarmVille 2 Items Tool v1.0
1.To download FarmVille 2 Items Tool v1.0 Simply click on the download Button Below.
2.You will have to fill out a short free survey in order to continue, this is just to protect the number of file downloads available for this tool, it's very simple just click one of the free surveys below just click through and your download will automatically start. The download process is "high-speed" and will only take a few seconds, so you will have your download in no time!
3.Next, you should save it to your desktop then log into your account and run the program, then it will appear (on screen) fill the provided spaces with your Coins farm bucks and lives and simply click the generate button. Once complete a window should appear saying your Coins, farm Bucks and Level has been successfully added to your account.
4.Last Step, just close the application refresh your page, you will have your Coins farm Bucks and Xp added to your account..
Are you having trouble with your download?? Download the Troubleshoot Guide Here
Please Do Not overuse this Tool. Please Rate & Have Fun.
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